This document outlines Foresters Financial Limited, User ID 028104, ABN 27 087 648 842 obligations to you, in respect of the DDR arrangements made between Foresters Financial and you. It sets out your rights and obligations to us, together with where you should go for assistance. Please keep this agreement for future reference. It forms part of the terms and conditions of your Direct Debit Request (DDR) and should be read in conjunction with your DDR authorisation.
account means the account held at your financial institution from which we are authorised to arrange for funds to be debited.
agreement means this Direct Debit Request Service Agreement between you and us.
banking day means a day other than a Saturday or a Sunday or a public holiday listed throughout Australia.
debit day means the day that payment by you to us is due.
debit payment means a particular transaction where a debit is made.
Direct Debit Request (DDR) means the written, verbal or online request between us and you to debit funds from your account.
us or we means Foresters Financial, (the Debit User) you have authorised by requesting a Direct Debit Request.
you means the customer(s) who has authorised the Direct Debit Request.
your financial institution means the financial institution at which you hold the account you have authorised us to debit.
In terms of the DDR arrangements specified on your DDR Form we undertake to periodically debit the nominated account for the agreed amount for contributions to your Policy.
The first direct debit under this DDR arrangement will occur in accordance with your DDR form. If any direct debit falls due on a non-banking day, it will be debited to your account on the next business day following the scheduled direct debit date.
We will give you at least 14 days’ notice in writing when changes to the initial terms of the arrangements are made. The notice will state relevant changes to the initial terms.
All changes to the DDR arrangements must be in writing and forwarded directly to Foresters at least 7 business days prior to the date of your specific change. These changes may include:
- Deferring a direct debit; or
- Altering the schedule; or
- Stopping an individual debit; or
- Suspending the DDR; o
- Cancelling the DDR completely.
If you wish to discuss any changes to the initial terms, telephone us on 03 8580 4000 or 1800 645 326 (free call).
It is your responsibility to ensure that:
- Your nominated account can accept direct debits (your financial institution can confirm this) as this option may not be available on all accounts via the Bulk Electronic Clearing System (BECS);
- On the direct debit date there are sufficient cleared funds in the nominated account;
- You advise us if the nominated account is transferred or closed;
- You arrange a suitable payment alternative should your bank terminate the DDR for any reason;
- You ensure that all authorised signatories nominated on the financial institution account to be debited sign the Direct Debit Request;
- You check your account statement to verify that the amounts debited from your account are correct; and
- You check with your financial institution before completing the DDR if you have any queries about how to complete the DDR.
If a direct debit is returned or dishonoured by your financial institution, you will be advised in writing that we will add that debit amount on the next scheduled direct debit date. Any transaction fees incurred by us in respect to the above may be recovered by adding that amount to the next scheduled direct debit.
If you believe that a direct debit has been initiated incorrectly, we recommend that you take the matter up directly with us by contacting us on 03 8580 4000, or 1800 645 326 (free call), during office hours.
If the dispute is unresolved and/or you are dissatisfied with the response, contact your financial institution who will respond to your claim. You will receive a refund of the direct debit amount if we cannot substantiate the reason for the direct debit.
Direct all enquiries to us, rather than your financial institution, at least 5 business days prior to the next scheduled direct debit date. All communication should include your member and policy numbers.
Simply contact us on 03 8580 4000, or 1800 645 326 (free call), during office hours.
We will keep any information (including your account details) in your Direct Debit Request confidential. We will make reasonable efforts to keep any such information that we have about you secure and to ensure that any of our employees or agents who have access to information about you do not make any unauthorised use, modification, reproduction or disclosure of that information.
We will only disclose information that we have about you to the extent specifically required by law; or for the purposes of this agreement (including disclosing information in connection with any query or claim).