Invest in a legacy of care and protection

This uniquely configured financial product is designed to grow and release funds at the time of your passing. Ensure the first act of your legacy is to reduce the stress on your family so they can celebrate your life.

  1. 1.

    Grow your investment without a need to declare earnings

    Tax on the income earned on your investment is paid within the Fund. This ensures you do not need to declare any income earned on your investment.

  2. 2.

    Shield family from unexpected financial burden

    With the Foresters Financial Funeral Bond, your savings are specifically set aside to cover your funeral costs. These funds can only be accessed at the time of your passing, ensuring your loved ones are protected against inheriting unexpected costs.

  3. 3.

    Maximise pension entitlements

    Funeral costs you pay—up to $15,000 (as of 1 July 2023)—do not count in your assets test for payments from Services Australia. The assets test determines the amount of financial support you receive through funding schemes like the Age Pension, Carer Payments or Disability Support Pension.

Grandma playing block with grandson

An optional extra for greater peace of mind

By adding ‘Away From Home Cover’ as an optional extra—with a one-off premium of $120—you protect against transportation costs (up to $3,000) if you pass away more than 100km from home while travelling within Australia.

You can purchase Away From Home Cover as an addition to the Foresters Funeral Bond if you:

  • Apply for either a single or joint Funeral Bond
  • Apply for Away From Home Cover within six months of having already invested in a Foresters Financial Funeral Bond


Additionally, to be eligible for Away From Home Cover, you must:

  • Currently live at your permanent residence; and
  • Be an Australian permanent resident; and
  • Be aged over 18 years and under 85 years of age.

A wealth of investment options

The Foresters Financial Funeral Bond offers five investment options designed to align with your distinct financial objectives. Each option has a unique risk profile and investment strategy.

Investment options:

View this extract from our Product Disclosure Statement.

*Please note, we recommend seeking professional advice regarding your individual circumstances and whether the investment option(s) are appropriate for you.

Performance and unit pricing

View daily unit pricing. Prices are updated regularly.

Alternatively, view historical weekly unit pricing.


Market Linked Options Performance

The below return table shows the investment performance for the funeral bond market-linked options:

Funeral Bond Market Linked Option
Net Returns 30 June 2024*
Investment Options FYTD 1 year 2 years p.a.#
High Growth 8.23% 8.23% 7.74%
Growth 5.54% 5.54% 5.38%
Sustainable 5.67% 5.67% 4.82%
Balanced 5.07%^ N/A N/A

* net returns are net of tax and net of fees

# please note that these options were launched in July 2021 hence no data is presented for 3 or 5 years of performance history

^ FYTD return for Balanced is from 19 July 2023, when it was first seeded


Benchmark long-term CPI+ investment objectives:

  • CPI +4% pa for High Growth;
  • CPI +3% pa for Growth; and
  • CPI +2% pa for Sustainable;


Capital Guaranteed Performance
Total Return Funeral Benefit Fund Taxable
(after 1 Feb 2011)
Funeral Benefit Fund Taxable
(after 31 Dec 2002) CLOSED
Funeral Benefit Fund Exempt
(before 1 Jan 2003) CLOSED
2018 1.14% 1.14% 0.90%
2019 1.71% 0.71% 1.60%
2020 1.00% 1.00% 0.40%
2021 1.14% 0.57% 0.75%
2022 1.00% 0.50% 0.35%
2023 1.07% 0.50% 1.20%

Notes: The Total Return is the sum of the bonus rate allocated and the tax benefit. Past performance should not be taken as a guide to future performance.

Fees and costs

View the fees and costs extract from our Product Disclosure Statement.

Further details and information

Enquire for more information

Whatever your financial goals, we share your ambition, get in contact with the Investor Services Team today.

Grow your wealth,
consolidate your legacy